
Serv­ing Sedona, Cot­ton­wood,
the rest of the Verde Val­ley & North­ern Arizona

vertical-lineTel: (928) 2039500
2885 W. SR 89A, Sedona, AZ 86336
(click for map) sedonapaint@​gmail.​com
HOURS: M-​F: 7am-4.30pm, Sat: 9am-​1pm

Sedona Paint Center 22 Years


ZAR Deck Siding stain


ZAR deck & siding stain

ZAR Exte­rior Solid Color Deck & Sid­ing Stain is spe­cially for­mu­lated using dual resin tech­nol­ogy that pro­vides excel­lent breatha­bil­ity and supe­rior adhe­sion. Avail­able in quarts, gal­lons and fives.

Con­tain­ing 100% acrylic resin and a unique alkyd blend, ZAR Deck & Sid­ing Stain is ideal for use where the nat­ural tex­ture is to be accen­tu­ated. It shields and pro­tects against the dam­ag­ing effects of sun, rain, and snow.

15 year war­ranty for sid­ing and 5 year war­ranty for decks.

Last­ing longer than ordi­nary oil-​based stains, even in the tough­est weather, ZAR Deck & Sid­ing Solid Color Stains dried film resists ultra­vi­o­let rays, crack­ing, peel­ing, blis­ter­ing, mildew and stains by mold.

ZAR Deck & Sid­ing Stain con­sists of super-​fine pig­ments in an extremely durable acrylic base. It shields and pro­tects wood sur­faces but still reveals the tex­ture of nat­ural wood grain. Since acrylics do not oxi­dize, ZAR Deck & Sid­ing Stain retains its color longer than ordi­nary oil-​based stains.

ZAR Deck & Sid­ing can be used on a vari­ety of sur­faces, includ­ing new or pre­vi­ously stained or painted wooden decks and sid­ing, tex­tured hard­board, fiber-​cement boards and T-​111 sid­ing, patio fur­ni­ture, rail­ings, and much more.

versatile multi-surface stain

ZAR Deck & Sid­ing is not lim­ited to their stan­dard cus­tom col­ors below. Sedona Paint Cen­ter can tint this prod­uct to thou­sands of col­ors for end­less possibilities.

zar deck stain color chart


ZAR exterior semi-transparent wood stain


ZAR Semi-​Transparent Deck & Sid­ing has a one coat appli­ca­tion, cov­ers between 100 to 400 square feet (depend­ing on sur­face texture).

It is ideal for use on a vari­ety of sur­faces, includ­ing new or pre­vi­ously stained (same approx­i­mate color semi-​transparent deck or sid­ing stain) decks, rail­ings, posts, sheds, sid­ing and more.

ZAR Semi-​Transparent Deck & Sid­ing has a one coat appli­ca­tion, and cov­ers between 100 to 400 square feet (depend­ing on sur­face texture).

With its two tint bases, we can tint any of their 30 semi-​transparent tones (as below), as well as cus­tom colors.


ZAR deck stain

zar wood stain


ZAR oil-based interior wood stain

ZAR wood stainZAR Oil-​Based Wood Stain is per­fect for cab­i­nets, floors, pan­el­ing, antiques, wood trim and unfin­ished fur­ni­ture. ZAR can be applied to all vari­eties of wood, both unfin­ished and pre­vi­ously painted and var­nished sur­faces, to achieve a beau­ti­ful wood grain effect. This super-​fast dry­ing for­mula offers supe­rior cov­er­age and its “Con­troller Pen­e­tra­tion” assures a rich, uni­form color tone with­out streaks or lap marks.

In addi­tion to wood doors, ZAR Wood Stain is excel­lent for mak­ing steel and fiber­glass doors look like real wood. Because fiber­glass doors have a wood grain embossed in their sur­face, ZAR Wood Stain can be used to quickly and eas­ily bring to life the door’s real wood look, and is rec­om­mended by lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers of fiber­glass, steel and Masonitereg-mark doors.

ZAR oil-​based wood stain is the wipe-​on stain that is so easy to use. It is avail­able in 24 nat­ural wood tones plus Coastal Boards. Their tint base is avail­able for cus­tom col­or­ing and we stock quarts and gal­lons of ready-​mixed and tint base.

Zar interior wood stain colors


Zar-Ultra-Max-wood-stain-colorsZAR Ultra Max is avail­able in a tint base so we are able to do cus­tom col­ors, as well as tint their 6 ready-​mixed colors.

For last­ing beauty and pro­tec­tion, ZAR Ultra Max Wood Stain can be top
coated with a pre­mium qual­ity polyurethane.

ZAR Ultra Max stains evenly with con­trolled pen­e­tra­tion, wipes on like fur­ni­ture pol­ish, and leaves no lap marks or streaks.

ZAR Ultra Max is ideal for fur­ni­ture, hard­wood floors, wood­work and wood, metal or fiber­glass doors. ZAR Ultra Max brings out the beauty of wood on inte­rior sur­faces such as cab­i­nets, floors, pan­el­ing, antiques, doors, wood trim and unfin­ished furniture.

ZAR Wood Stain can be applied to all vari­eties of wood, both unfin­ished and pre­vi­ously fin­ished, and can be used on sur­faces that have been pre­vi­ously painted or var­nished to achieve a beau­ti­ful wood grain effect.

In addi­tion to wood doors, ZAR Ultra Max, when used with the ZAR Grain­ing Tool, is excel­lent for mak­ing steel doors look like real wood. Due to the fact that fiber­glass doors have a wood grain embossed in their sur­face, ZAR Ultra Max can be used to bring to life the door’s real wood look.

For more info on ZAR go to www​.ugl​.com

zar wood stain desk

All col­ors shown are approx­i­mate as mon­i­tors and print­ers vary in how col­ors are dis­played, so the col­ors shown above may not match the stain’s actual color. In addi­tion, the actual and per­ceived color of applied stain may be affected by fac­tors such as wood absorp­tion rates, appli­ca­tion tech­niques, and the wood’s nat­ural color and grain tones.

For more info on ZAR, go to www​.zar​.com