
Serv­ing Sedona, Cot­ton­wood,
the rest of the Verde Val­ley & North­ern Arizona

vertical-lineTel: (928) 2039500
2885 W. SR 89A, Sedona, AZ 86336
(click for map) sedonapaint@​gmail.​com
HOURS: M-​F: 7am-4.30pm, Sat: 9am-​1pm

Sedona Paint Center 22 Years

PPG Pro­Luxe (for­merly Sikkens)

PPG ProLuxe Logo


The same great Sikkens pre­mium wood care for­mula you have known and trusted over the years became part of the PPG brand and is now called ProLuxe™.

ProLuxe’s trans­par­ent, semi-​transparent and solid color stains and fin­ishes deliver excep­tional per­for­mance to pre­serve, pro­tect and enhance the nat­ural beauty of all types of wood. You can count on Pro­Luxe to still achieve the same per­fect fin­ish that was syn­ony­mous with the Sikkens name. We can match any color with their semi-​transparent and solid color stains.

Why Pro­Luxe?

  • Industry-​leading high-​transparency tran­sox­ide pig­ments amplify depth of color, pro­vide beau­ti­ful color clar­ity and sub­strate protection.
  • Pow­er­ful UV absorbers pro­tect color and wood sub­strate and pre­vent gray­ing and deterioration.
  • Allows all the nat­ural char­ac­ter­is­tics and grain of the wood to show through.
  • Water repel­lant. The per­me­abil­ity of the resins allows mois­ture to escape through the fin­ish as a vapor, but does not allow stand­ing or rain to pen­e­trate the finish.
  • Con­tains a fungi­cide to min­i­mize dete­ri­o­ra­tion from mold and mildew growth on the finish.
  • Flex­i­ble resin tech­nol­ogy min­i­mizes crack­ing and blis­ter­ing due to expan­sion and con­trac­tion or mois­ture build up.
  • Main­tains their flex­i­bil­ity when tem­per­a­tures are extreme. This helps pre­vent crack­ing and peel­ing that are com­mon with var­nishes and polyurethane coatings.

  • CETOL® SRD is a one-​coat matte translu­cent stain for a wide range of wood sur­faces and has been rated #1 as top translu­cent deck stain. This
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  • CETOL® LOG & SID­ING is a high-​performance trans­par­ent satin fin­ish that show­cases the nat­ural beauty of wood sur­faces. This high-​solids alkyd-​oil for­mu­la­tion offers opti­mum pro­tec­tion and
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  • CETOL® DEK FIN­ISH is a lux­u­ri­ous trans­par­ent satin fin­ish that extends the look and feel of hard­wood floor­ing to exte­rior liv­ing spaces. This high-​solids alkyd
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  • RUB­BOL® SOLID STAIN is a hybrid alkyd/​acrylic with the advan­tages of both tech­nolo­gies. This for­mula offers excel­lent pen­e­tra­tion and adhe­sion over both bare and pre­vi­ously coated
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  • CETOL® 1 RE™ and CETOL® 23 Plus RE™ Cetol 1 RE is part of a unique 3-​coat sys­tem with Cetol 23 Plus RE. Cetol
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  • CETOL® DOOR & WIN­DOW is a high-​performance fin­ish for spe­cialty appli­ca­tions such as exte­rior doors, win­dows, garage doors and fiber­glass doors. This high-​solids alkyd-​oil for­mula
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  • CETOL® SRD SEMI-​TRANSPARENT is a high-​quality, one-​coat pen­e­trat­ing acrylic stain that pro­vides opti­mum long-​term color reten­tion, pro­tec­tion and dura­bil­ity. This matte fin­ish can be used
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  • CETOL® MAIN­TE­NANCE RE is a non-​darkening clear satin wood fin­ish for exclu­sive use as a sin­gle main­te­nance coat over weath­ered Cetol 23 Plus RE or
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